Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The perfect woman is like the perfect rock and roll song

I want to admit I have an addiction. I am addicted to rock and roll. It's the most trustworthy thing I have in my life. I'm not really sure what that says about me personally, but it's a good starting point for a rambling narcicistic essay.

I probably have more relationships with people based off interest in music than any other common element. There are some people I communicate with who I know nothing else about other than their taste in music. And frankly, I don't want to know more because one-dimensional relationships are often the easiest to maintain. I really don't care where they are from, or how many siblings they have. I just want to be assured that if I'm at a bar and a Foo Fighters songs comes on they'll sing along to it with me.

I have a wide variety of friends and a few close ones, but really everyone ends up being categorized by their taste in music at some point or another. I have one group of friends who listen to classic rock, another that listen to country, another that listen to only alternative music and my closest friends tend to have a very eclectic taste as I do.

My problem is I tend to lump women in these categories too. I like to fancy myself a very intellectual person who weighs the pros and cons and look at multiple sides of the situation, but if I see a cute girl belting out Journey, it trumps anything else. Women become caricatures of the music they love and it's what I associate when I think of them. One way or another, I always find myself dating girls who listen to rock and/or metal. They are just more fun to me.

When my last serious girlfriend and I broke up, my first two thoughts were
1) I'm going to miss her dog
2) She got me hooked on Barenaked Ladies deeper catalogue. Am I still going to be able to like them after this?
Admittedly, she had been torpedoing things for a few months to the point where I had already come to detest her, but it struck me as kind of odd those were the first two things that popped in my mind after the longest relationships I've had was ending. Happily, since I liked them before the Barenaked Ladies survived the breakup, so at least something good came out of it.

To paraphrase Chuck Klosterman, guys like strip clubs because strippers are their fantasy not reality. It's easy to separate real relationships and strippers in our minds. I think most guys want the girl next door with a wild side which frankly I'm convinced doesn't exist. My perfect girl can appreciate the nuances of Radiohead and fine wine one night and drink cheap beer and dance on the table to Pour Some Sugar On Me the next. That's why men love metal (and especially 80's music so much). It's a fantasy. I'm a fairly conservative guy. I've never done an illegal narcotic in my life and have had very few one night stands, mostly in college. That said, I love sleaze rock rife with sexual innuendo. It's a fantasy not a possibility. I don't actually want the kind of girl referenced in these songs. I just want the girl who also sees these songs as fantasty, but is still grounded in reality.

In the meantime, I'll just keep rocking out with my friends hoping to find that girl who will talk dirty to me....Uh!

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